Frequently, we come across a scenario where we need to check the existence of a record and based on it perform some action. This article explains how to use the EXISTS clause to check the existence of a record in a table. There are multiple options for checking the existence of a record, but EXISTS clause is the best option in terms performance. Basically the Exists clause checks the existence of a record and it stops processing further records after finding the first instance of the record which matches the criteria
This article covers the following examples:
- Using EXISTS clause in the IF statement to check the existence of a record
- Using EXISTS clause in the CASE statement to check the existence of a record
- Using EXISTS clause in the WHERE clause to check the existence of a record
- EXISTS clause having subquery joining multiple tables to check the record existence in multiple tables
To demonstrate this let us create a Customer and Order table as shown in the below image by the following script:
USE TEMPDB GO --Create Customer Table CREATE TABLE dbo.Customer (CustId INT, CustName NVARCHAR(50)) --Create Order Table CREATE TABLE dbo.[Order] (OrderId INT, CustId INT, OrderTotal Money) GO --Insert sample records into Customer table INSERT INTO dbo.Customer VALUES(1, 'Basavaraj Biradar'), (2,'Kalpana Biradar') --Insert sample records into Customer table INSERT INTO dbo.[Order] VALUES(100,1, 1000), (101,1,9500) GO
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EXAMPLE 1: Using EXISTS clause in the IF statement to check the existence of a record
Below example script checks the existence of the customer record with CustId = 2 in the IF statement
DECLARE @CustId INT = 2 IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM dbo.Customer WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE CustId = @CustId) BEGIN PRINT 'Record Exists' END ELSE BEGIN PRINT 'Record doesn''t Exists' END
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EXAMPLE 2: Using EXISTS clause in the CASE statement to check the existence of a record
DECLARE @CustId INT = 2 SELECT (CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM dbo.Customer WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE CustId = @CustId) THEN 'Record Exists' ELSE 'Record doesn''t Exists' END) AS [Employee?]
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EXAMPLE 3: Using EXISTS clause in the WHERE clause to check the existence of a record
DECLARE @CustId INT = 1 SELECT 'Record Exist' WHERE EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM dbo.Customer WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE CustId = @CustId)
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EXAMPLE 4: EXISTS clause having sub query joining multiple tables to check the record existence in multiple tables
DECLARE @CustId INT = 1 IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM dbo.Customer C WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN dbo.[Order] O WITH(NOLOCK) ON C.CustId = O.CustId WHERE C.CustId = @CustId) BEGIN PRINT 'Record Exists' END ELSE BEGIN PRINT 'Record doesn''t Exists' END GO
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I enjoyed reading this article.
Good and simple examples of EXISTS.
I ran all the four statements and working fine
For few statements I changed not exiting id in the table and
ran which displayed
‘Record doesn”t Exists’
Please keep publishing some more examples.
Write an article on frequently used
commands in day to day developer work.
Thanks a lot for educating the community
with examples
Thank you Kris
What if the input is dynamic?
The above code is for pre-defined input.
So how to write a query for that?