Microsoft just 14 Months back released Microsoft Sql Server 2012, and in such short span of time Microsoft announced it’s plan for the release of next version of Sql Server. This shows Microsoft continued commitment and focus to mitigate the challenges posed by the competitors and new array of DataBase Technology.
On June 3, 2013 at TechEd North America , Microsoft has officially made announcement about Sql Server’s new Version i.e. Sql Server 2014. But they have not mentioned when the trial version will be avilable for evaluation. But we can register at MicroSoft Site to get notified when the trial version is ready for evaluation.
Some of the key features of Sql Server 2014 which I like about are as below. For detailed information on the features and extensive feature list please keep visiting the MicroSoft Site. And at this link they have couple of white papers and the Sql Server 2014 Datasheet too. I will write more articles on it as and when I explore/get to know more about it and when MS provides the Trial version for Evaluation.
1) In-memory, online transaction processing (OLTP).
It greatly improves transaction processing speeds and reduces latency by virtue of working with in-memory data, as opposed to disk-based data. This technology is a result of a Project that has been in works for several years and project code-named ‘Hekaton‘.
2) Column Store Indexes:
Update-able Clustered Column Store Indexes.
3) Buffer Pool Extension to SSDs:
This can definitely improve query performance by allowing the use of non-volatile solid-state drives to reduce SQLServer memory pressure with no risk of data loss.
4) High Availability
SQL Server 2014 will have Enhanced AlwaysON and it is going to support up to 8 Secondaries. This AlwaysOn high Availability technology is based on the principals of database mirroring has been introduced in Sql Server 2012, where it was supporting max 4 Secondaries. With AlwaysOn, users will be able to fail over multiple databases in groups instead of individually. Also, secondary copies will be readable, and can be used for database backups.
5) Extended Online Operations
SQL Server 2014 is going to Support Online Index Operations on the Partition Level, which will be a very nice feature for Large Databases where table data is partitioned.
6) Hadoop Connectivity
7) Simplified Cloud Back-Up, Cloud Disaster Recovery, Extended on-Premises apps to the cloud, New Cloud Migration wizard to easily move on-premises Sql Server to Windows Azure, Sql Server in a Windows Azure Virtual Machine and so. on.